Saturday, December 14, 2013

Fairy Tales Are Real. Just Not In The Way We Think They Are.

Recently, I read these quotes from an anonymous source....

“Why have fairly tails if that kind of love doesn't exist.”

“Fairy tales don't exist. So why give every girl the vision that someday their Prince Charming will be there. All it does is make you more disappointed in life”

DISCLAIMER: I am guilty of pretty much all of what I'm about to describe here. I am human and not excluded from any of it.

Are these statements something all women think from time to time?

You betcha.

Are Fairy Tales meant to reflect our real life?


I happen to agree with most of what the point of these status’ say. As a matter of fact, I was considering writing something quite funny for our next Expressing Motherhood show concerning Disney and the princesses they’ve shoved down my throat and the ideas of a ‘happily ever after’ that we’re not guaranteed.
I’ll say that again. We are not promised a ‘happily ever after.’ 

But, you know what else I’m going to say? 

I’m the princess in that story and I play a part too. Period. ‘We all fall short.’ Sometimes we fall so short, that while we’re lightheartedly skipping through the forest, one of our princess heels breaks off and we’ve fallen flat on our princess faces, bleeding, bruised and practically naked. The princess crown is smashed to pieces, the horse ran off with all of our berries we just picked, the servant has quit and we’re still standing firm on the foundation that it’s everyone else's fault.

It’s somebody else’s fault that we’re not happy.

It couldn’t possibly be our own internal self, the effects of traumas in our childhoods, the circumstances that life has brought like death or the demons that trap us in addictions, ours, or Prince Charming’s. Do each of us have something? yes. I’m not claiming any of these to be mine, but they might be...and they might be yours too.

We might not even have a single one of them, but still blame someone else...anyone else...for the unhappiness we feel in our lives, in our relationships with others, in our workplace, in our our marriage.

Every character on that page, every person involved plays a part, and that includes me...the ‘princess’ in that story.

Does life bring huge disappointment?
Oh, dear...the YES I have to shout on that one cannot possibly be heard over the internet.

Are we guaranteed happiness? Not. At. All.

This was the response I found to this quote:
“... if this is a reflection of your life, then I am truly sorry because you are awesome and deserve better.”


I will shout that on the mountaintop. If we were all given what we deserve, we’d basically be dead and rotting somewhere. For all of the nasty words that come out of our mouths, or the thoughts, or the hurtful actions we display to our children, our husbands or wives or the lies we tell, or the blame we place...
I could go on and on, but I won’t. I don’t think I need to. ‘We all fall short’ and to blame others or a Fairy Tale for our letdowns in life is sad.

It’s clear to me that these statements are coming from a place of pure hurt, sorrow and sadness. A place of disappointment and despair...

"Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone.." (John 8:7)

Here’s where I am going to go Biblical. Because the Bible addresses this clearly.

God does not promise us material happiness in our lives, but He does promise us spiritual happiness for those who follow Him.

Jesus says “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world“ (John 16:33).

God, not once, ever, promised us an easy life, a happy life, a life without suffering and trials and pain, or a marriage without any of that as well.

It just simply isn’t ever going to be true.

Even the happiest of marriages will go through major trials. Believers in Christ are no less susceptible to these hardships than anyone else. We’re just promised a hand to hold while going through it all. We’re promised a maker that will take the pain for us in stride and who will fight our battles for us when we place full trust in His work.

And guess what... sometimes that work, is for us, not Prince Charming. Prince Charming has his own things to work on. He’s a mess too. And when the princess and Charming are both working on themselves and not pointing fingers, maybe we’ll be closer to a few words in that Tale.

Another response to these quotes I found was this...

“well.... some people really do have a prince charming.... I do and he rescued me when I needed it most. I know that was more of faith and the Lord than a fairy tale though lol”

We need to stop placing blame on others and Fairy Tales. We all know they are stories. They might even be stories made for us to escape the hardships of real life every once in a while.

And I bet... I just bet, that if we examined our lives and the blessings we’ve been filled with, instead of the things we don’t have and think we deserve, we might be one page closer to living the Tale that we were created to live.