This morning at an award ceremony at Shelby’s school, she won a few awards that would make any parent proud. She got perfect attendance and perfect Bible verse memorization. But one in particular had me in tears…it had my heart beating strongly and it had me questioning what kind of faith I’m living right now.
Since she was young, I’ve always told people that Shelby was ‘sensitive’ when it came to God and spiritual things. I know God has spoken to me through her on more than one occasion. For example, a couple of months after my mother died, I was in the kitchen on the phone with my dear friend Angela. I was completely distraught and I had called her to talk about God and my faith…and its sudden disappearance. The kids were in another room occupied and I was speaking lowly as to not worry them, since I was verging on blubbering mess.
In walks Shelby tugging on my shirt, “Mom!.” She screamed.
“Shelby, I’m on the phone."
“MOM!” she persisted.
“WHAT Shelby?” I responded realizing it wasn’t very nice.
“God is here mom. Jesus is here.” She said calmly. Very calmly.
Too calm.
As Angela was listening on the phone, she said, “Did she just say what I think she did?”
I was beginning to cry again and was chuckling at her timing. But I knew it wasn’t timing that was happening.
I bent down so I wouldn’t misunderstand and so Angela could witness the words that came out of her mouth.
“What did you say, Shelby?”
“Mom. God is here. Jesus is here. They’re both here, Mom.”
And with that, I said thank you, I kissed her head and moved her out of the room. I cried more.
For her to walk into that kitchen and say those things to me, well…it was unreal. She was 3, and we weren’t exactly talking about God that much, let alone Jesus.
Cut to the award ceremony this morning. Don and I knew Shelby was going to get an award, but we were not let in on which one. So, when her Kindergarten teacher started describing the child she chose for The Best Christian Attitude, I thought that it could be Shelby…maybe…yes….and then she stated that this child held a lemonade stand and gave her earnings to the missionary fund at school.
It was Shelby. And I started crying.
Shelby had done things throughout the year that clearly showed the love she has for God with her words… her leadership… her friendship and her ability to love unconditionally.
Oh, my heart was joyed, beyond belief. Almost to the point of disbelief. I sit here still and think that I cannot possibly claim any kind of credit for her Christian attitude, when my faith has wavered and my own attitude has fluctuated. And I realize that it most definitely isn’t myself or her father’s Christian attitudes that are rubbing off on her…it’s God at work…on us.