Now Open! |
Inside Disney Baby |
Love |
Part of this celebration was a baby shower for 20 military moms presented by Operation Shower...which happens to be an amazing act of service for a lot of families. We were able to see what the store looked like and what they carried inside.
We had delicious eats, coffee and live music from Kenny Loggins. Yes...that Kenny Loggins. He now has a collection of children’s music and it’s quite delightful. Little does he know how many times I’ve played Footloose over and over since 1984 rocking I was the original singer of the song.
I felt extremely special at the invite to attend and cover this event as part of the media. We knew there would be celebrities, with or without their children, in attendance. And I knew that I would be able to interview any of them if they were willing and had time. While waiting to get a personal tour of the store, I noticed Candace Cameron-Bure sitting at the table next to me. I had no idea she was going to be there.
Let me cut back to earlier that morning, before I even left home. I pray, like I do every morning, for the day, my husband, my children at school and whoever or whatever I feel needs praying for in my life. In particular, I prayed that I may have the chance to talk about God with someone that day. For anyone who follows me, or knows me well, you know I love to talk about God. So, that was my prayer.
Let’s go back to me noticing Candace sitting at the table next to me. There it was. My opportunity to talk about God. I didn't know what I would ask..or how I would even start a conversation about faith with her, but I knew I needed to talk to her. How would a conversation about faith have anything to do with a Disney Baby event? I wasn’t sure either.
As I stood outside the Disney Baby store waiting for my turn to see what’s inside, I saw Candace making her way to the exit. Still completely unaware of what I would say to her...and why, I did my best to get her attention and see if I could ask her a few questions.
The lovely Candace Cameron-Bure |
The woman escorting her to her car told me that she couldn't, and didn't have time. But Candace politely said to her “No, it’s ok. Really, it’s fine.”
Face to face with Candace Cameron-Bure, I started to speak. It would actually be considered something more like get the picture.
I was dying to ask her if John Stamos is as cute in person as he is on television, but luckily that’s not what came out. I briefly explained who I was and where I write...and what I write about. The poor girl probably thought some crazy blogger has just got a hold of her and there will certainly be no escape from this incoherent rambling....
Still unaware of what I wanted to say, I eventually got to this:
“So, I suppose what I’d like to know from you is, when I say “Parenting” and “Faith”, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?
“Prayer.” She replied to me knowing what her answer would be even before I finished my sentence.
“Prayer” she said again.
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Thank you Lisa Robertson of for this photo! |
I had no idea what the etiquette was for recording someone’s conversation, so I neglected to pull out my iPhone and shove it in her face. Instead I grabbed my notebook and pen and began to write down her every word. This was a conversation I knew I wanted to keep in my head. Of course, now as I’m reading through my notes, they appear to be as incoherent as my interview technique was.
I’m going to paraphrase the amazing advice I received from Candace that morning, except where there are quotations...I did manage to get a few things down.
She humbly explained to me that she is “face down on her knees” every morning praying for her children, also sharing with me that she “now prays more than ever” for them because they are older and facing challenges in life that require more thought and discernment.
“The power of prayer over our children” is something she values with utmost importance. “Pray scripture over them.” Scripture is amazing. In my personal experience as a wife and mother, the Bible has been the absolute best source on parenting and marriage I have come across.
We continued to talk about how difficult it is to raise children, period. But being in Southern California with a fast pace of life and not always being surrounded by people who share our same worldview, can make it even more difficult. I know this would be true for most parents.
“My children are dedicated to the Lord” and that’s how she can feel confident that they are protected with Love when they walk out the door. This is something I’m hoping to correctly establish in raising my children with my husband...a dedication to God.
So, I suppose it was fitting that we had a conversation in front of the Disney Baby store where their tagline is “creating magical moments right from the start™.” Because, I truly feel that our opportunities are there with our kids right from the start.
My children will fulfill God’s will and purpose for their lives. (Psalm 138:8)
Father, help my children not to be like many others around them, but let them be “alert and self-controlled” in all they do. (1 Thessalonians 5:6)
Father, grant that my children may “show proper respect to everyone,” as Your Word commands.
(1 Peter 2:17)
Grant that my children may learn responsibility, “for each one should carry his own load”.
(Galatians 6:5)
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